Current Problems

Although we have fought and changed so much, there are still many problems to fix until we get to gender equality. One example is that some girls around the world are still not allowed to go to school and pursue their dreams of becoming an engineer or doctor, instead they are stuck at home doing all the house chores and learning how to cook. Another problem is the huge pay gap between man and women.

One problem is that some girls around the world can't go to school. It's not that they don't want to go, it's that where they live they aren't allowed to go, or their family can't afford them to go. The reason why they can't afford their girls to go is that they probably live in a poor place, and so if they have more than one kid they would probably only send their sons to go. Since they believe men have a higher chance of employment, which is sadly true in some places. Some of the toughest places for girls to go to school is Southern Sudan, Afghanistan, and Ethiopia. Another reason why girls can't go to school is that in the place they live in the government probably doesn't believe girls should go to school. There are people that believe that girls and women in general aren't allowed to go to work or school. They believe that women should do all the house chores and take care of the children.

South Sudan has been named as the worst place in the world for education for girls.

            Another problem is the huge gender pay gap. You may be wondering what the gender pay gap is? Well it is the gap between how much a man is paid and how much a women is paid. Although at one point the pay gap between men and women was really small and honestly not much at all, but then women have children, and that's where everything changes. Once women have children, they are then expected to care for them and take time off of work to watch them. Since they have to take a lot of time off work to watch the children, and the men are still going to work eventually the women might get demoted or laid off and the men will start getting promotions and a higher pay check so the pay gap between men and women start getting a lot bigger.

This is the pay gap between full-time working men

and women on their monthly salary in California.