Ways you are able to help

Although you can't just tell the world to start having gender equality, you can still help out. One example is to do stuff differently at home. Another thing you can do is to donate to a bunch of different charities.


One thing you can do is to share the house chores and take turns cooking dinner. Another thing is when you have kids you should take turns taking time out of work and watching your kids. Another thing is to encourage your kids to get whatever toy they want at the store. Some kids may feel pressured when picking their toy, and they might tell themselves they have to pick one from the girl's side or the boy's side even if they wanted a different one. 

As I said another way to contribute to gender equality is to donate money to different charities that help out with gender equality. Some sights you can donate money to is: Aid for Africa, Girl Rising, and of course the Malala Fund. All the charities I just said help with gender equality. You maybe wondering how it helps with gender equality? Well it helps because the money you donate to them they take and give to less wealthy families around the world that can't afford their daughters to go to school.