Service Learning Reflection

1. What did you do for your service learning component? Be detailed in explaining what you did.

Clara (my partner) and I went to this 5 or 10k walk or run. The organization was called Loaves & Fish Feed the Need. We got there at 8:00 am and got suited up ready to walk in the poring rain. When we got there, there were a couple little canopies set up with people that were running the walk/ run. They started the 10k walkers first at 8:00 am, then the 5k at 8:15 am. The program used all the money that was collected/ fun raised to feed the people that could not afford hot meals everyday. 

2. What did you learn as a result from doing your service learning component? What is the value in providing service/help to the community/world around you?

I learned that only a limited amount of people world wide are able to live comfortably everyday, and I am very grateful that I am one of them. Doing this showed me how easy it is to make an impact on someone's life. The value of providing this to the world is that me doing is one difference in a person's life, which may seem small. But then again it only takes one person to change another's life. The value in providing this service learning is that the money I donated will help/ give another person a hot meal on the table.